Little Green Guards®

Guess Who Is Coming to Your Backyard 2?

Posted Posted in Activity pattern, Badgers, Birds, Bobcats, California, Camera traps, Carnivores, Citizen science, Coastal sage scrub, Conservation, Conservation Science Investigators, Consumers, Coyotes, Deer, Diet, Diurnal, Doves, Education, Golf course, Habitat, Herbivores, Home range, Humans, Hummingbirds, Little Green Guards®, Mammals, Nocturnal, Opossums, Plants, Predators, Preys, Racoons, Rodents, San Diego, Skunks, Squirrels, United States, Wildlife species

Written by Julian, Little Green Guards® C.S.I.   INTRODUCTION In my previous blogs I reported on camera trap studies I conducted in my backyard, a surrounding golf course, and a nearby avocado grove that is next to coastal sage scrub habitat. My studies generated buzz around the neighborhood, and from local residents I found out […]

Little Green Guards®

Deer in the Bustling Grove

Posted Posted in Activity pattern, Birds, Bobcats, California, Camera traps, Carnivores, Coastal sage scrub, Conservation, Conservation Science Investigators, Consumers, Coyotes, Crows, Deer, Diet, Diurnal, Education, Egrets, Feeding behavior, Food chain, Golf course, Habitat, Herbivores, Humans, Little Green Guards®, Mammals, Nocturnal, Ominivores, Owls, Plants, Predators, Preys, San Diego, Skunks, United States, Wildlife species

  Written by Julian, Little Green Guards® C.S.I.   INTRODUCTION After documenting the species that use the golf course behind my backyard, I moved on to another close by habitat for my C.S.I. project, an avocado grove. Part 3 – Avocado Grove The grove is located in an open space easement that was once coastal […]

Little Green Guards®

Coyotes on the Fairway

Posted Posted in Activity pattern, Birds, California, Camera traps, Carnivores, Coastal sage scrub, Conservation, Conservation Science Investigators, Coyotes, Crows, Diet, Diurnal, Education, Egrets, Feeding behavior, Golf course, Habitat, Humans, Invertebrates, Little Green Guards®, Mammals, Nocturnal, Ominivores, Predators, Preys, San Diego, Skunks, United States, Wildlife species

  Written by Julian, Little Green Guards® C.S.I.   INTRODUCTION After discovering what animals share my backyard with me, I decided to explore another habitat type for my C.S.I. project. Part 2 – Golf Course Previously I observed that rabbits were the main animals using my backyard. They were there because my backyard has what […]

Little Green Guards® Conservation Science Investigators

Long Live the Tardigrades!

Posted Posted in Algae, Carnivores, Conservation, Conservation Science Investigators, Diet, Education, Habitat, Herbivores, Invertebrates, Little Green Guards®, Plants, Tardigrada, Tardigrades, United States, Wildlife species

  Written by Sean, Little Green Guards® C.S.I.  As part of my investigation about nature I interviewed Dr. Andy Phillips (President of LVDI International) and asked him why he decided to major in biology when he was in college. Here is what he told me: “I always loved animals. I also liked art and photography. […]